Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I am transferring and trying to summarize my blog from my Japanese site. So I am starting from the very beginning. Please allow me to explain why I love the name ruhamah. It is taken from the book of Hosea in the Bible.

Ruhamah means 'the one who has received mercy'. To me, it is the same as John's name, who is said to be the youngest among the disciples, and who called himself 'the one whom the Lord loved'.

John's Hebrew name is Johanan (or Jochanan) and it means 'the one whom Jehovah graciously bestows'. Then, to me, it means that ruhamah is the old version of the name John.

John didn't mean he was the only one whom Jesus loved. John simply knew God's love has nothing to do with him loving God. God loves us first. God loves us the most and there's nothing we can do about it. John knew that. John wasn't Jesus' favorite, either, for God has no favorites. Yet he called himself "the disciple Jesus loved." In a way, he was simply stating the meaning of his name...

I know, too, that God loves me and it has nothing to do with how I love Him back. God loved me first. I am just one who received mercy from God. My real name is Akemi.

Japanese translation (Sort of)

ヨハネのことを調べていたとき、彼のヘブル語名はヨハナンで、 神から慈悲深く与えられた。。みたいな意味と知りました。そこで あら、ルハマってヨハナンと同じような意味だわって思って じゃルハマにってなったわけです。


わたしも神様から情けを受けた者 ールハマー です。

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