Mahesh Chavda
When the doctor remineds me that the maintenance medicine will stop working eventually, that I will die sooner or later, I ran fast to my Father tonight. I resist the doctor's words and tried to wipe them off of my mind. I am not ignoring the fact that I am on the maintenance medicine, but I would rather acknowledge the promise of God. The only way I can be delivered from those unwanted words from the doctor and from the stress of work is to run to the Father's presence. I went to Mahesh Chavda's youtube, which I found the other day, and remained in the presence of God in the film for awhile.
The glory of God is present if we ask for it. My Father's promise is still good. His words will not go back to Him in vain. They always accomplish their purpose. Our strength is in the presence of the glory of God.
主治医が 薬が効かなくなるのも時間の問題だ~と軽く言った時 彼から背を向けて父なる神様の元に走りよりました。彼の言葉を頭に残しておきたくない!開放されるには神様の臨在の中にいくしかないと知っているから、走りました。このYOUTUBEは以前みつけてお気に入りにしてあります。この場の力を借りて暫くその中にじっとして神様のそばにいました。
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