Friday, May 27, 2011

I need the presence of God

Mahesh Chavda

When the doctor remineds me that the maintenance medicine will stop working eventually, that I will die sooner or later, I ran fast to my Father tonight.  I resist the doctor's words and tried to wipe them off of my mind. I am not ignoring the fact that I am on the maintenance medicine, but I would rather acknowledge the promise of God. The only way I can be delivered from those unwanted words from the doctor and from the stress of work is to run to the Father's presence. I went to Mahesh Chavda's youtube, which I found the other day, and remained in the presence of God  in the film for awhile.

The glory of God is present if we ask for it. My Father's promise is still good. His words will not go back to Him in vain. They always accomplish their purpose. Our strength is in the presence of the glory of God.

主治医が 薬が効かなくなるのも時間の問題だ~と軽く言った時 彼から背を向けて父なる神様の元に走りよりました。彼の言葉を頭に残しておきたくない!開放されるには神様の臨在の中にいくしかないと知っているから、走りました。このYOUTUBEは以前みつけてお気に入りにしてあります。この場の力を借りて暫くその中にじっとして神様のそばにいました。

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just like Kaleb - Joshua 14:11

In Joshua, Kaleb says this:
 I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.
He was 85 years old when he said this. I want to be like him.

I want to be a strong grandma when I have grandchildren someday!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Consecration means "filling of the hand" pt. 2 - Leviticus 9:1

This section is called Sh'mini (Eighth) and it starts with chapter 9.

Leviticus 9:1 (NIV)
On the eighth day Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel. Here is the rest of chapter 9.

After the seven-day inaugural service(after their hands were filled), on the eighth day, the priests entered the tabernacle to minister. They performed the first sacrificial service of the nation. Moses AND Aaron went into the tabernacle (it used to be Moses alone!), and after they came out, Aaron blessed the people. Then the fire from heaven came down and consumed the alter offering!
All the people saw the glory of God.

Chapter 10
Then something happens. Aaron's sons did their own things and God's fire consumed them. The Bible says they offered "different fire"(or wrong kind of fire).

The people saw God's fire consuming the sacrifice and saw the glory of God first. Then they saw God's fire consuming the priests who offered wrong kind of fire.

Consecration is "filling of the hand." We save special time with God to be filled with His presence and thoughts, and that causes us to do God's will, being filled with the Holy Spirit. Not our own ideas.

Jesus, forgive me if I put my own thinking into action and assume that it is God's will. Please let me have what you give to me and I may be sent out by you. I am grateful for God's grace who will never give up on us.

Consecration is "filling of the hand" - pt. 1

Leviticus 8:22, 28, 29, 31, 33

22And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. (KJV)

The underlined word is ordination in NIV and NAS.

It is consecration and ordination in Amplified Bible.

According to the Blue Letter Bible, the word for consecration/ordination ("millu" in Hebrew) is this.

According to the Strong's Dictionary, the Hebrew word "millu" also means "filling." Interesting.

F.B. Meyer says:
Consecration, according to the Hebrew word, means "filling the hand." Too many of us suppose that the consecrated soul renounces all - nay, it receives all. The nets are full of fish; the baskets are full of the broken pieces; the soul is full of grace and glory.

Thank you, LORD.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

leviticus 6

I imagine that I was one of the Israelite.
I imagine the fire in the sky at night and white cloud in the blue sky during the day.

Exodus 13:21-22 (English Standard Version)

21And(A) the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. 22The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people.

 In Leviticus 6, the LORD told Moses to keep the fire going on the alter.
 Now they are staying in one spot and they still see the fire at night and white stuff in the sky during the day.

Leviticus 6:9 (ESV)
 “Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt offering. The burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.

I imagine fire at night and white smoke in the sky during the day.

I love it!

Easter and Passover

Every year I wonder and still don't know the answer to this one question.
Who decides when the Easter Sunday is?
A lot of people say, "I thought the passover always came right before the Easter." I thought so , too. But it still doesn't answer my question. I understand why Passover date changes every year. Their calender is different from our 'modern' or 'regular' calender. I can't fully explain but it has something to do with the moon. Then why doesn't the date of Easter change with it? Easter date changes every year (it seems like), but doesn't go along with the Passover day. I feel like it should either change according to Passover, or if it is ignoring the Jewish culture, I feel like it should stay on the same date every year. It is strange. Am I crazy to think like this?

A few years ago Easter happened before Passover! Can that happen?? Then I wondered when the day of Pentecost would be... but no one was talking about it around me.... Without a bias, I sincerely think that Passover date would be always right. Then the day of Pentecost comes 7 weeks after Passover since it is a Jewish event. I have a feeling that many Christians don't really connect the Jewish ceremony and this Pentecost event have some connections. I certainly didn't hear about it for many, many years until I started to be interested in the Jewish culture. We are not bound by law, but just as we would like to know everything about someone we love, I would like to know these things accurately, realizing that we are now living in grace at the same time.

As I started thinking about those things and started googling, I found this web site. A lot of Christian people may think I am crazy, but I would like to pay attention to what this person has to say.
