Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grant peace - Sim Shalom

This is called Sim Shalom (Grant Peace). This is one of the songs/prayer from their prayer book. I love it. After the interview part, the music starts.

This is what the song is about. ( I don't know if he is singing all this or not.) Here is where I got the translation.

"Grant peace, happiness, and blessing to the world, with grace, love, and mercy for us and for the people Israel. Bless us, our Father, one and all, with Your light; for by that light did You teach us Torah and life, love and tenderness, justice, mercy, and peace. May it please You to bless Your people Israel in every season and at all times with Your gift of peace. Praised are You, Lord who blesses His people Israel with peace."

May God's peace, happiness, blessing, grace, love, and mercy be for all of us.

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