Friday, March 9, 2012

radiation and trip to japan

Both my parents' birthdays are in February. This year they turned 88 and 77 years old.  For quite a while I couldn't decide when in the winter time I should go to visit them.  In my prayer one day I felt good about going in February so I picked the dates, and then I found out that I needed to have radiation on my bones. I thought about bad scenario but decided to go on after I talked to my husband. I ordered the ticket, then I asked the radiation oncologist to schedule me before the departure date. (selfish?)
They scheduled me to have a radiation session everyday for 2 weeks. It ended right before my trip. The treatment took only about 10 minutes everyday. The very first day on the table in the radiation room, a strange thing happened within me. I was suddenly overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness right before the radiation was going to hit me, and I was crying. Everybody there thought I was sad. When you think about my situation, that is understandable. One therapist was in tears for me, too. But I wasn't sad. My strength and joy have always come from the Lord. His presence was there, and I was overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord. I keep trusting His healing power. Gospel and healing come together. It is in the Bible.

My family was happy to see me. I gave testimony of God's goodness at my small church. I spent most of my time at home. I enjoyed walking in the cold, snowy weather as the snow was hitting my face from under the umbrella. One of my happy moment was to see my mother believing Jesus more.

Life is precious and I thank Jesus for giving it to me.